Friday, December 6, 2013

Riding In Courage

Be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

As a young girl I enjoyed riding my bike.  It was beige 10-Speed bike I got for Christmas. This bike changed how I traveled and how fast I could get to places.  One of my favorite places to ride was the neighborhood store.

I remember dogs running after cars and kids on bikes. I was afraid at times to go to the store. I never knew at what moment I would pass a dog that just broke its chain or just some stray dog roaming. After my mother made  several calls to the local Police, the stray dogs were removed and the homeowners began to chain their dogs.

Yet, I was still fearful. I hated when my mother would send me to the store anticipating a dog running behind my bike. I would go months and not see a stray dog, yet the possibility alone made me change my course.

One day, we were giving permission to ride our bikes a little further into the neighborhood and I was met with more children on bikes. I wasn’t  aware that our neighborhood extended as far as it did. Now decades from that time, I still have rich friendships from my neighborhood friends.

I was limited by my fear. I became comfortable and felt “safe” just hanging around on my street. There were new and exciting challenges and relationships beyond my fear. I just had to ride pass the fear.

And so is life sometimes…..We have to ride by the fear. Fact. You cannot have a positive and negative thought at the same time. So if you are entertaining thoughts of fear, you aren’t thinking about courage AT THE SAME TIME.

So on purpose……and once and for all…..stop walking in fear and ride in courage. Once I decided to ride in courage, I learned the dogs at the end of the street were no longer there. The dog at the other end was  placed in a gated fence. But who knows how long that was the case.

I am stepping out in courage and embarking on a journey of 31 Days of Faith Art Journaling. I would love for you to come along. You will certainly be blessed. Go on! It’ll be fun. I am bursting at the seams to be able to share this journey. I am over-flowing in peace because journaling has helped in my conversation with my Lord and Savior. It will do the same for you. Yes, fear has raised its ugly head. But I recognize that my God is bigger than my fear. So, I acknowledge my anxiety about doing something new and different , and I Ride In Courage anyway!


May God Bless and Keep You
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for this day. I desire to honor you with my words  and my actions. I need more of You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finding Courage In Fear

"If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all." Isaish 7:9 Holman CSB

I remember hanging out at the neighborhood pool during the summertime. It never seemed to lack an abundance of screaming children running, jumping and having fun. Jumping off the lower diving board was a top thriller. Yet, all of the excitement seemed to be at the high diving board. Each time I would gaze at the higher diving board, I would feel a turning in my stomach.

One morning on the way to the pool, my sisters and I were just filled with so much energy and excited. The sun was very bright and we were feeling fearless. I told myself, “This Is The Day!’ And soon after that thought, my stomach began to turn. I had thoughts of not being able to come back up, forgetting how to breathe, hurting myself upon entry to the water, the lifeguard going on break.

Once I was in the pool, I immediately went where there wasn’t a waiting line….the lower diving board. I noticed all the excitement at the higher diving board. The line was long and the kids were patient. So, I breathed deeply and walked slowly to the line. I engaged in lively conversation and felt confident of my decision to jump. As I got closer to the ladder the excitement almost overtook me. I climbed a rung at a time waiting patiently for my turn.

Once I got to the top and there were no more rungs…I looked around the pool area. The water was shimmering. The area around the pool seemed vast. The water seemed deeper than it probably was. And in that moment a surge of fear captivated my whole body. I couldn’t do it! So I turned around to go back down the ladder. My decision was met with kids who refuse to go back down the ladder in order for me to climb down. I was angry, scared and in disbelief!

After looking on all sides for options, I knew the only way to get off the diving board was to jump. The kids started to yell words of encouragement. “You can do it!” “Don’t be scared!” It’s not that high!” I felt empowered and I was not longer mad at them for holding me hostage on that board.

I walked slowly to the edge….held my breath and jumped! My entry into the water was magnificent! I came out of the water hearing cheers of little kids who were so happy for me. It was exhilarating. And I found myself thinking, “I should have tried this sooner!” I wiped my face with my towel and got back in line….to the higher diving board!

Sometimes the feat looks greater than what it really is. I want to leave you with encouragement today…

• Seek the Lord in all that you do.

• Encourage yourself

• Surround yourself with positive people who won’t let you give up.

• Be open to encouragement from others.

• Believe and have faith.

• Then Jump! In the name of Jesus

Prayer: Dear Lord, in those moments when I believe I can’t, I know you can. I know Lord you did not give me a spirit of fear. I praise you for the little reminder that I am more than a conqueror. Your word reminds me that You will never forsake or leave me. Thank You for Your faithfulness. In Jesus Name. Amen

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's A New Day


My Dearest Class of '82,

First of all, let me say, "I love you all so much!" And ,"Thanks for loving me back."

I hope these words find you in good spirits with open hearts. Like you, my heart is aching at the recent loss of our classmate, Ernestine. This loss is on the heels of the loss of our dear classmates, Neecha and Perry. So, certainly my pain is your pain.

I am encouraged by a post by our sister, Ernestine, when she posted “When things don’t make sense, Praise!” Each time I hear my heart breaking louder and the tears start to flow again, I think about that post. It has helped me and I pray it helps you. By praising in the moment, your thoughts aren’t focused on the circumstance or the situation. Your thoughts become focused on the One who can soothe your pain and wipe your tears.

So, often when we aren’t discipline enough to take on a mighty task, the Lord does it for us. In addition to being a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, the Lord assigned a mission to Ernestine. That was to be an Ambassador for the Class of 1982. She was to help bring the class together in order to embrace where we have come from and to forge new memories. She worked tirelessly in that capacity. She did what was required of her. Now we must do what is required of us. That is to get this right.

I think about the roads that connected us…..Washington Ave, Adkin Street, Tiffany Ave, Hardee Road, Carey Road, Vernon Ave, Girl Scout Road, Lincoln St., Heritage Street, Queen St, JP Harrison, Old Snow Hill Road, Cunningham Rd just to name a few. We will always be connected. Our paths crossed and our lives are intertwined. Therefore, our experiences, past and present, affect one another. With that being said, there are some among us who are hurting. We don’t have to understand the pain. But as a class we have acknowledge and move past the pain. This is greater than telling someone “to just move on or to just get over it.” How do I know?…It’s obvious that directive hasn’t worked. So, the Lord placed on my heart to share some steps to healing.

1. Forgive your classmates, as the Lord has forgiven you.

• The person who harmed you may NEVER say, “I’m sorry.” The forgiveness is for you, so that you can make room in your heart for the good things in life.

• If you continue to focus on the pain, the pain will grow, impeding your ability to grow spiritually into the person the Lord desires you to be.

• 31 years, 21 years, 11 years, is a long time to hold onto anything that’s not good. Let go..Let God.

2. Bless your classmates.

• Ask the Lord to bless them.

• Bless their families.

• Anything we sow we shall reap. Therefore, sow good seeds because whatever we focus on will multiply.

• If we bless others, we will be rewarded. Matthew 5:43-46

3. Don’t try to hold the class hostage to your pain.

• It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to the class.

• Make a decision that will help all of us.

• Make it a point to come to the next reunion

4. Express love and extend love
  • Someone sitting on the pew with you, may need to hear a word from you.
  • Someone on our facebook page may need you to pray.
  • Someone needs to be reminded they mattered.

I understand pain and hurt. I was molested, falsely accused, forced into physical fights, and treated differently for numerous meaningless reasons, by- passed for selection to certain activities or groups. My story isn’t unlike many of yours. But I chose to forgive. That was the only way the Lord could use me. The men who violated me, the girls who tried to beat me up for GP, the school official who crossed the line, the elder who tried to remove my bathing suit, the kids who stoned my house, the boy who lied on me, are all deserving of my forgiveness.

It was a long and very difficult road to get to this point. I pray my testimony helps you to heal. The devil would have me to live in shame and condemnation. But I serve a mighty God and He healed my heart. Now my life is filled with love and it holds no boundaries in the Lord. I am blessed and live to bless and serve others.

Ernestine had a real desire that we forgive and love one another. We deserve that. Our kids deserve that. Our grandkids deserve that.

I pray that you receive my words in love. I love the Class of 1982. I enjoy looking at pictures of us as a witness of how life has grown us up! I look forward to chance meeting when I go home. And I am excited about the next reunion, cookout, or gathering.

I pray that we make a collective decision to move forward. We can’t undo the past. We can’t rewind some of our decisions. But in this moment, we can chose to work toward forgiveness and not concentrate on the old debts, old pains, and old issues.

This is a new day.
R.I.P. Ernestine

Bless you, KHS Class of 1982


Monday, March 4, 2013

Poem for Ernestine

E – Empowering
R- Reliable
N- Nice
E- Elegant
S- Social butterfly
T- Tenacious
I- Impassioned
N- Noble
E- Easy Going   

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Mother's Prayer

A mother- to- be admires the roundness of her body
As the movements have stopped her in her tracks
She prays to the Lord for rest and sound sleep
She can't remember the last time she relaxed

Moans and cries filled the birthing room,
As a mother pushes with all her might.
"Lord, please give me strength
To push this baby out tonight"

No sounds, hushed tones, rushed moments
Why must I leave while my baby stays?
"I am not finished with him yet, my child
Stay connected with me and pray."

Lord , thank you for my child
Please protect him from these mean streets
Send your Comforter to fill her cup
And provide a safe place to retreat

A Grandmother sings songs of praises
Raising her grandchildren on one accord.
On bended knees she yells to the heavens
"You are the source of my strength, Lord."

The Lord hears the foster mom,
As she soothes the tears of the abused.
Many have turned their backs.
She laments, "I refuse! I refuse! I refuse!

Street lights on and the evening's come
Everyone is not in for the night
Lord, bring her in safe and sound
No date rape, no date drug, no fight.

Gangs , violence and drugs
Trying to take my son away!
Don't want to bury him, Lord
Please keep the bangers at bay!

Mother's all over walk the halls
Trying desperately not to embrace the pain
With a collective voice and collective spirits
Mother's Pray, "Lord, Break Every Chain!"

Rejoicing, shouting, praising and singing,
Just How Great Thou Art
The Lord is always near
We dedicate our kids and our hearts.

©Yolanda Grier 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Metamorphosis......So I Could Live


Isaiah 40:31

King James Version (KJV)

31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

“A wonderful change has come over me!” Those lyrics seem to ring in my mind like  birds greeting in early Spring time. It’s wonderful! It’s glorious!

Last year, I made a decision to do things differently. I had to confront some issues in my life that appeared to have me bound, stuck. Anytime you are stuck, you can’t move! You can’t grow. You can’t help others grow. You can't seem to move out of the way of the stuff. Just stuck!

I imagine my life as a flowing stream of water…crisp, clear, on purpose, with a mission. I imagine me meandering down mountains, through valleys and eventually overflowing in the ocean of life. Yet, I couldn’t  move.

I often thought about the life cycle of the butterfly…egg, caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly

Eggs are laid on plants which become the food for the caterpillar.

My heart had to be planted on a real desire for the Word, a real desire to trust and have faith. I desired to be more purposeful in my prayer life. After constantly moving and going nowhere fast, I made the decision to lay down the burdens in my life and to give all of them to the Lord...again.

Caterpillar: The only job of the larva is to eat

Now that I had emptied myself before the Lord, I made room in my heart.

  • A new way of thinking.
  • A new way of feeling.
  • A new way of experiencing life.
  • A new way to love myself.

Chrysalis or Coccon- Transition stage (protected)

The transition was the most challenging. There is a reason this stage needed to be protected. Everyone around me wasn’t happy about my change. Everyone was not happy that I was being freed from past hurts. And because these relationships strained the Lord’s work, the Lord was strategic in how he changed my relationships. I was moved by the Spirit to leave some relationships behind while the Lord sent other people in my life. Remarkably, others helped protect my cocoon by praying for me and offering sincere encouragement. Others gave me space. I called people less and my phone didn’t ring as much. My walk and talk became more confident.

If you find yourself in a cocoon, stay in position until the Lord says move. Anxiety, other people’s expectation and impatience will make you leave before you are ready. I can truthfully say, “I had that testimony before!”

At last…..Butterfly- Reproduce for a short time

I know I have experienced real change…..I have a real peace inside of me. My purpose is a little clearer. I am in position and ready to proceed with what the Lord has for my life. I have certainly been humbled by the lessons learned. I know what it is to abide in Christ. I trusted the process…..I trusted my God…..The state of readiness is only for a short time…..Soon I'll fly!

I made the art quilt in the above picture as a symbol of journey.....

Prayer: Lord, it’s me, giving you honor and praise for what you have done in my life. I am thankful for the tears. I am thankful for the moments it hurt to deal with past issues. I praise you for teaching me to forgive and to bless others. Thank you , Lord for removing this burden from me and allowing your light to shine ever so brightly in my life. In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Found Comfort....In Him

John 15:7King James Version (KJV)

7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.


I am so excited about 2013! This new year promises to be about welcomed changes and challenges that will continue to allow me to grow. My desire is to increase my level of writing and to challenge myself more. I want to be closer to the Lord, and I desire my writings to reflect that.

Recently, I have written complete blog posts in my head and when I sat to pen them, the words would literally disappear! At first I thought I had so much on my mind, it was hard to concentrate. But when this phenomenon wouldn't past, I knew in my Spirit something else was going on. Something had to change....but what?

The year 2012 began with a class titled, "Luke 1:38" facilitated by my Pastor and First Lady. This class challenged me to identify and conquer any situations, experiences and strongholds that kept me from deepening my relationship with God. Through a willing spirit, even when the process was invasive and confrontational, I allowed the Lord to remove the "stuff".

I wrote and cried, while in the tunnel.

I wrote and prayed, while in the tunnel.

I wrote and rejoiced, while in the tunnel.

I wrote and worshipped , while in the tunnel.

The Lord kept me while I was in the tunnel.

My first post in 2010 I wrote I stated, "It is not intended that we remain in the tunnel."
Solace In The Tunnel

Those words were fitting when I realized that my spirit was restless because I was no longer in the tunnel. I knew I had to change the title, but I had no idea to what. Several names floated in my head as I tried to give the blog a completely different name.

While at work, it hit me like a ton of bricks...Solace.....and then the word " comfort" kept storming in my head. My heart was racing with excitement! The Lord simply required me to remove the word tunnel and to acknowledge that I am abiding in Him now. I am finding comfort in Him now. Praise God!

On Sunday, I had the priviledge of introducing a first time visitor to the congregation. I asked, "Your name please?"...She responded, "Comfort"
